Saturday, September 19, 2015

Couple Questions

I had a lovely little Friday night date night with my mom last night. We went to Iguana Grill because we needed Mexican food, and after having a couple (very strong) margaritas, I began to people watch. Friday nights are a prime time for people watching at restaurants. The most entertaining restaurant patrons for last night's people watching were mostly couples. Three couples in particular caught my attention and raised a few questions. Well, mostly the women in the coupleships raised a few questions.

Couple #1: Is it really necessary to rub your boyfriend's neck and bald head while sitting at a table with a group of your friends in a restaurant full of people? Did he ask you to? Or did you just, like, reach over and start rubbing because you noticed his neck seemed a little tense? Are public neck massages in the middle of dinner a thing that couples do regularly? Because if so, that's weird and also kind of gross.

Couple #2: Is it really that uncomfortable being at dinner with your boyfriend's family? My margarita came with a straw. I'm sure yours did too. So why are you chugging it like it's last call at the bar? Are you trying to seem completely disinterested in the conversation your boyfriend's brother is having with you, or is that just the way your face looks all the time?

Couple #3: Ah, yes, nothing like a painfully awkward first date. He keeps on talking, you keep nodding your head and sipping your water to avoid having any real part in the conversation. We've all been there, honey. Don't you wish that water was a margarita? And what exactly is he talking about that is so dull? Did you meet on Tinder?

Monday, September 14, 2015

What DO you want to do?

When I was 18 and just starting out my first year in college, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life or even what I wanted to major in, and that was okay. My feeling was, "How can we be expected to know what we want to do with the rest of our lives at 18 years old?" Most people seemed to agree with me. When I was asked what I wanted to do after college and would reply with, "I have no idea," people tended to reply with something along the lines of "Oh, that's okay, you've got four whole years to figure that out."

Well, 3 schools, 4 majors, and nearly 5 1/2 years later, I still haven't got a clue what I want to do with my life. I am in my last semester of college now and it has finally hit me that I can no longer get away with, "I have no idea."

A conversation that I often find myself having goes something like this:

Person: "So what's your major?"

Me: "Professional Media."

Person: "Oh well that sounds interesting. Do you want to be a reporter or what?"

Me: "Absolutely not. I don't want to do news."

Person: "Well, what DO you want to do?"

And to that, I have no answer. I can't exactly say, "I'm only 23, how can I be expected to know what I want to do with the rest of my life?" because I'm twentyfreakingthree and I should know what I want to do with the rest of my life.

It's easy to think of what I DON'T want to do, but when I try to think about what I DO want to do, all I can come up with is this:

I want to sleep.
I want to binge on Netflix whenever I please.
I want to crochet for hours on end.
I want to be able to afford endless travel and to not have to check the price tags at Sephora.

And that just about sums it up. Marrying rich would allow me to live the life I desire, but I can't really rely on that as my Plan A. Plus, marrying for money would require me to be a sociopath, which I unfortunately am not. 

So what career path should I be aiming for? I'm open to suggestions.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Am I Too Old To Be A Swiftie?

I recently turned 23, this past Friday to be exact, and I was faced with the startling realization that I can no longer properly jam out to Taylor Swift's "22." Which led me to this internal crisis: Am I too old to be a Swiftie? Is 23 truly the age when one must learn to grow up and stop listening to pop stars worshipped by teenaged girls? I am certainly no longer a teenager, and Taylor herself is 25, but let's be real, her fan base consists mostly of girls between the ages of 11-16 (rough estimate).

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I haven't always been a Taylor Swift fan. I listened to her a little in high school, but at some point stopped. I guess I thought she was too "mainstream," or maybe it was due to people making her this big joke, like "Don't dump Taylor, she'll write a hit song about it." It became "uncool" to be a Taylor Swift fan and I certainly couldn't afford to lose any cool points. I became embarrassed to admit that I ever owned her first two albums, until about a year ago. I got this random urge to listen to Taylor Swift, which led to downloading even more Taylor Swift, which led to me downloading "1989" the morning it was released before even stepping foot out of bed.

Before I knew it, I became a full blown Swiftie, following her on every form of social media, dreaming about one day being a part of her "squad." I mean, Taylor Swift is basically the ideal BFF.

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She's sweet, sassy, fashion savvy, funny, kinda weird, and really just so...human. Have I mentioned that she named her cats after television show characters? Meet Doctor Meredith Grey and Detective Olivia Benson:

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She also has a song for just about any mood you might be in, or any situation you may have been through or are going through.
I'll list some examples: when you're ~crushin~ so hard you can't feel your face (Sparks Fly, Our Song), when the haters just hate, hate, hate, but you keep dancing anyway (Shake It Off), when you've finally ended a toxic friendship (Bad Blood), when you've finally ended a toxic relationship (We Are Never Getting Back Together, Picture To Burn), the moment you realize you are finally over that person who has been consuming your thoughts for months (Clean), when you're feeling so thankful for your perfect, loving mom (The Best Day), when you realize you just might be ~in love~ (You Are In Love), and a plethora of songs for when you just need a good cry.

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So, am I too old to be a Swiftie? The conclusion that I came to is no. You are never too old to be a Swiftie. Sure, people may judge you, but haters gonna hate, hate, hate so ~shake it off~ because that's what Queen Tay would do.